Traffic Insurance

Traffic insurance is a mandatory insurance according to traffic laws. In the event of an accident, it partially or fully covers the damage to the other party's property or life, depending on the degree of fault.

- Damages occurring outside of officially recognized roads in traffic accidents, - Damages resulting from driving under the influence of alcohol or substances, - Damages caused by drivers without a valid driver's license, - Compensation claims from individuals not considered third parties inside the insured vehicle during an accident, - Any claims for emotional distress, - Claims for damages arising from liability related to goods loaded, transported, or unloaded on a motor vehicle, - Damages to roads or objects underneath caused by the weight of the vehicle or its cargo, - Accidents caused by stolen or hijacked vehicles, - Damages to the insured vehicle or towing vehicle, - Damages resulting from the commercial use of private vehicles, - Damages caused by goods or trailers not specified in the policy, - Damages exceeding the liability limits specified in the policy.

- Driving without a valid license, - War, - Damage resulting from administrative and military actions, - Damage due to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol above the legal limit, - Mechanical failures not reported to the insurance company without a police report, - Fire caused by oxidation and malfunction, - Use for racing purposes, - Sunburn, - Wear and tear, and indirect damage, - Rust and corrosion, - Acts of terrorism, - Intentional damage caused by the insured or persons for whom they are responsible.

"Comprehensive insurance is purchased to compensate for damages that may be incurred by the insured motor vehicle owner. Unlike compulsory insurance required by law, comprehensive insurance is optional and depends on the vehicle owner's preference. However, considering the potential risks encountered in traffic, comprehensive insurance is highly important for both vehicles and their owners due to the coverage it provides."

- The most significant difference between compulsory traffic insurance and comprehensive insurance (kasko) is that traffic insurance is mandatory, whereas comprehensive insurance is entirely optional. Therefore, there is no obligation to use the vehicle without comprehensive insurance. - Compulsory traffic insurance covers damages that may occur to the other party during an accident. On the other hand, comprehensive insurance protects against damages to your own vehicle. Traffic insurance provides an advantage by allowing you to pay for damages to the other party, while comprehensive insurance covers the policyholder's own losses and vehicle damage. - The limits of compulsory traffic insurance are determined by the state and laws. Therefore, financial and bodily damages arising from an accident are covered within specific limits. - The coverage of compulsory traffic insurance is limited by these predefined limits. However, the prices for traffic insurance are set based on free tariffs. Therefore, it is crucial to research and obtain the most suitable traffic insurance. However, the situation is different for comprehensive insurance; the cost of comprehensive insurance may vary depending on the elements covered by the policy

Home Insurance

Home insurance provides financial protection to insured homes against potential disasters such as earthquakes, theft, fire, terrorism, and similar events. In the event of such occurrences, it offers financial security to the policyholder.

We provide a wide range of coverage including fire, explosion, lightning, earthquake, flood, internal water damage, storm, malicious acts, theft, glass breakage, tenant/owner liability, neighbor liability, and damage from vehicles. Additionally, we offer extensive protection that also covers renewable energy systems.

You can take various effective measures to protect your home. However, all precautions taken may be limited against damage caused by natural disasters, and in the event of potential damage, you may face significant financial losses. With a home insurance package policy, policyholders are protected from financial loss and damage caused by sudden and unexpected events such as fiery fires, internal water damage, and vehicle collisions, as well as natural disasters. Additionally, they can secure their assets against various risks and dangers with additional coverage options such as glass breakage, theft, machinery breakdown, and electronic devices.

Exclusions specified in the Fire Insurance General Terms and Conditions attached to the policy: Losses and damages arising from risks not covered by the provided policy.

Does your mind stay at your workplace every time you leave? Are you concerned about the offices, factories, or shops you've built and nurtured with dedication and effort, facing daily risks? Don't worry! With ION INSURANCE, we protect you against risks like fire, flood, theft, and many more coverages.