Business Insurance

You can optionally secure your workplace against a range of risks such as fire, theft, flood, and water damage. Additionally, you may also cover situations like business interruption and loss of rent.

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What Does Business Insurance Cover?

Business Insurance combines your fixed assets such as furniture, your workplace building, windows, and commodities known as goods, with your machinery and installations, and protects them against potential risks that might come with automatic protections

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What You Need to Know About Business Insurance

What should be considered when purchasing business insurance?

To choose the most suitable and comprehensive insurance policy for you, it's important to pay attention to the coverage, deductibles, special conditions, and coverage limits of the policy you are purchasing.

While business insurance is not mandatory, it protects you and your business against the most unforeseen risks that can occur at unexpected times. Additionally, it contributes to establishing a sustainable model for your business by eliminating the need to start over from scratch.

Business insurance provides protection against risks that may occur in your workplace and could interrupt or disrupt your business operations.

Business insurance is designed to cover major risks that businesses may encounter based on their general structure. However, if you are concerned about damages due to earthquakes, glass breakage, damage to electronic devices, machinery breakdown, or similar risks and want to protect your workplace against these types of risks, we recommend including these features in your policy.

To obtain business insurance, you will need to provide the following documents or information to the insurance company: - Business name (commercial title) - Tax identification number - Business address - Nature of business activities - Building value - Decoration value - Equipment value - Machinery value - Inventory value - Glass value These details are necessary to assess the specific characteristics and values of your business premises and assets, enabling the insurance policy to be tailored accordingly.